This was a very interesting video to watch. I have always heard of only three educational paths you can take, the first being the typical public school, private school then home schooling. I believed that all three had very similar teaching routines and techniques, and no matter which system you were in, you would grow up getting very similar educations. This video put a new perspective on education and how people can grow up in a very different system compared to what most consider the traditional form of education: Public School.
Generally when I think of homeschooling, I think the student is taught basic lessons from their parents or tutors, and it was always very confusing to me on why parents would choose to put their children in homeschooling. This video showed me that there are what some people consider serious problems with how lessons are being taught at public and even private schools, which I had never even thought about because I thought there was only one way to be taught for school. I believe that Logan LaPlante made great points on why the public education system is flawed on what they teach students, and he made valid points on why being in nature, relaxing, working on the computer, doing activities with friends and learning math, sciences and writing is better than the typical education system, and a part of me agrees with him but I believe the public and even private school system offers you social skills that home schooling just can't.
The main purpose for schooling is to learn the standard academics, but also to learn social skills from being in a school environment with tons of other students and be apart of extra curriculars. When you're home schooled, there's no classroom environment where you're surrounded by other students your age, and working with other students not only increases your understanding on the subject but also teaches you extremely valuable social skills that you carry with you for the rest of your life. There are definetely pros and cons to public schools and homeschooling.
I am really enjoying the Future Forums class, and I really enjoy how the English and Civics and Careers courses are back to back and mainly online. I have already learnt so much about communicating ideas and comments on certain topics with others and how helpful and educational that can be. It's been very interesting so far, and I hope it continues on this good path. If anything, I'd like to communicate and discuss popular topics with other schools more than we currently are, but other than that I believe it's a great program.
Another interesting article on Logan LaPlante:
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