Thursday, 13 June 2013

Persuasive Paragraph- Commercialism On The Mountain

The most interesting theme that came up in the novel “Into Thin Air” was commercialism surrounding Mount Everest and how much people bought into that. This was the most interesting theme because it was crazy to read about how much commercialism could blindside people, how much money the mountain can draw in from the simplest things and how much it has increased over the years. First of all, the mountain’s commercialism constantly blindsided climbers with all of the extra hidden costs and fees. A determined climber would go in expecting to pay around two thousand dollars in total, and end up spending over five thousand. It was insane how the climbers were temporarily blind too what they were spending because of their determination to just climb the mountain.  To continue, another reason commercialism was the most interesting theme in the novel was how the mountain could draw in money for the simplest things. There was a lot of competition between different companies offering services up the mountain, so prices and new deals would constantly pop up. People would be offered deals that made it seem like they were saving money when in reality they were spending more money than they needed to. The deals offered random clichés such as strange keepsakes and little things the climbers didn’t essentially need; therefore wasting their money and making an outrageous profit.  In conclusion, commercialism was the most interesting theme in the novel “Into Thin Air” because of how much it increased over the years. When they first made a business out of climbers going up the mountain, there were next to no costs, but as the mountain increased in popularity, so did the amount of climbers. They started charging way more money each year because they simply could, and as more businesses opened up surrounding the mountain, so did the income of what started off as a small business. Experienced climbers who used to spend next to nothing were very displeased with the amount of money they had to start paying, and it was extremely unfair for them. This is why commercialism was the most interesting theme that came up in the novel "Into Thin Air."

Sources: Image-

 -All information in the text was taken straight from the novel "Into Thin Air"

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